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[PROT] Paladin guide

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[PROT] Paladin guide Empty [PROT] Paladin guide

Příspěvek  Medvedik Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:39 am

[PROT] Paladin guide Paladin

Combat Ratings

1% Dodge = 176.72 Dodge Rating
1% Parry = 176.72 Parry Rating

NOTE - at ~10% Dodge or Parry, 1% = 197 Rating
at ~15% Dodge or Parry, 1% = 208 rating

1 Mastery = 179.28 Mastery Rating = 2.25% Block Chance
1% Block Chance = 88.36 Block Rating
1% Hit (physical) = 120.11 Hit Rating
1% Hit (spell) = 102.45 Hit Rating
1 Expertise = 30.03 Expertise Rating
4 Expertise = Target has 1% less Dodge & 1% less Parry on your attacks
1 Str = 0.27 Parry Rating

Level 85 - 8% requires 961 Hit rating / 841 for Draenei
Level 85 - 26 Expertise requires 781 Expertise rating / 55 Expertise requires 1652 Expertise rating

Stat priorities

1) Mastery - dava viac redukcie ako dodge/parry -> stakovat ked je dodge/parry cez 10%
2) Dodge/Parry
3) Stamina - nedoporucuje sa stakovat full stamku ako na wotlku 
4) Expertise and Hit

Damage Reduction

Armor - čím viac armoru tým večšia redukcia physical dmg
Block - redukuje physical dmg o 30%.


Head - Earthen Ring rep - Revered
Shoulder - Therazane rep - Exalted (Honored) alebo Inscription
Back - +250 Armor.
Chest - +75 Stamina
Bracer - +50 Dodge Rating 
Gloves - +65 Mastery Rating 
Legs - +145 Stamina/+55 Dodge 
Boots - +50 Mastery Rating 
Weapon - survivability -  1)Windwalk alebo 2)Mending
              threat - Landslide alebo Pyrium Weapon Chain
Shield - +50 Mastery Rating

stranka na vypocet pre meta gem (ktorý sa viac vyplati pri momentalnych statoch) -> nefunguje)

Meta - Austere Shadowpirit Diamond (+81 Stamina/2% more armor) na začiatok.
        - Eternal Shadowspirit Diamond (+81 Sta/1% Block increase), ked mame 50% Block and 35% Avoidance stava sa lepším
Blue - Puissant Dream Emerald (+Mastery/+Sta)
Red - Fine Ember Topaz (+Parry/+Mastery)
Yellow - Fractured Amberjewel (+ Mastery)


- 1)Seal of Truth - Gives you 10 Expertise ked používame Seal of Truth
- 2)Shield of the Righteous - 10% dmg. Dobré na single target threat/damage

- 3)Crusader Strike - 5% crit CS. Dobré na single target threat/damage
- 3)Hammer of the Righteous - 10% dmg. Dobré na AoE threat/damage  

- 1)Holy Wrath -  stun elementals and dragonkin. 

- 2)Glyph of Consecration - zvyšuje dmg Consecration - aoe
- 2)Focus Shield - zvyšuje dmg AS o 30%, ale odstrani skakanie (zasiahne len 1 target) - single target

- 3)Lay on Hands - redukuje  CD o 3 mins. 
- 3)Divine Protection - 0 physical damage reduction, ale 40% magic reduction. - magic fight

žiadny boost


Seal of Truth - threat, 10 Expertise keď mame glyp
Seal of Insight - menší threat/DPS ako SoT, ale healuje paladina 


Blessing of Kings - o 5% zvyšuj zakladné staty + 65 Resistance (nestakuje sa s druidovov GotW)
Blessing of Might - zvyšuje o 10% AP a dava 326 MP5. (nikto iný nema takyto buf)


1) Divine Plea (dostaneš 3 HP)
2) Inquisition (30% Holy Damage - spotrebuje 3 HP)
3) Avenging Wrath (20% damage)
4) Exorcism (1.5s cast time, prva abilita pretoze ma cast time)
5) Avenger's Shield
6) Judgement - ak je mob na mele range po Avenger's Shield,  Judgement  sa vynehava a zacina rotacia


Rotacia je zalozena na budovani holy power (HP) na 3 staky a potom pouzit abilitu ktora ich spotrebuje ( finisher ) 

ability co davaju HP:
Crusader Strike - single target
Hammer of the Righteouse - AoE
- ak utok bude miss/dodge/parry nedostnete HP
- obe ability majú 3s CD, takže sa nedajú používať staĺe preto potrbujeme ine ability na vyplnenie casu (Filler)

príklad na single target: CS->Filler->CS->Filler->CS->Finisher

Holy Power Finishers:
Shield of the Righteous - DPS finisher
Word of Glory - healing finisher
Inquisition - aoe finisher 

Judgement - udržuje Judgement of the Just na targete, vracia manu, a može procnúť Sacred Duty
Avenger's Shield 
Holy Wrath - AoE damage + stun undead, demons, dragonkin and elementals na 3 seconds
Hammer of Wrath - da sa pozžiť len ked je  mob  pod 20%, ale dava veľký dmg
Hammer of Justice - stun
Consecration - AoE DoT

Patch 4.1 - ked procne Grand Crusader a použijeme Avenger's Shield dostaneme 1 HP takže možme použit finisher skorej

používanie Divine Plea v single target rotacii je strata dps / napr.  Shield of the Righteous - divine plea - Shield of the Righteous  
Inquisition pri single target rotacii je len 1% boost, takže sa odporuča radšej použiť  Shield of the Righteous 


1) Guardian of Ancient Kings - 50% damage reduction with 3 min CD
2) Ardent Defender - 20% damage reduction with a 3 min CD + cheat death
3) Divine Protection - 20% damage reduction on a 1 min CD

4) Holy Shield - zvyšuj o 20% hodnotu bloku

taunt už nemože misnut

Hand of Reckoning - single target taunt
Righteous Defense - tautne z hrača 3 mobky


ako prot paladin dostaneme:
1) Avenger's Shield
2) Vengeance - threat generator on raid boss fights. Dava Attack Power ked dostanes damage
3) Touched by the Light - +15% Stamina, +8% spell hit , 60% Str na spell power
4) Judgements of the Wise - mana regen
5) Mastery - 18% block + 2.25% block per Mastery

potrebné talenty
voliteľné talenty

[PROT] Paladin guide 4a79

- s enchantm Windwalk sa stava talent Reckoning potrebným talentom
- talent Guarded by the Light - 1 bod je potrebný / 2 bod je voliteľný

nové spely/ablity
Rebuke - interupt - 10s CD - bez gcd
Divine Plea - HP generator + mana regen
Inquisition - HP finisher - zvyšuje holy dmg o 30%


vengeance bar
tankadin tps
omni cc

Linky - talent calculator 4.3.4 - Cataclysm-Paladin Pre-Raid Tank Gear List - tank gear t11

[PROT] Paladin guide Transmogrification-paladin-pve-tier-11[PROT] Paladin guide Transmogrification-paladin-pve-tier-11H
[PROT] Paladin guide Transmogrification-paladin-pve-tier-12[PROT] Paladin guide Transmogrification-paladin-pve-tier-12H

[PROT] Paladin guide Transmogrification-paladin-pve-tier-13-lfr[PROT] Paladin guide Transmogrification-paladin-pve-tier-13[PROT] Paladin guide Transmogrification-paladin-pve-tier-13-heroic

/script dr=function(x)return 1/(1/16+0.9560/x)end;DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Need 102.4 combat table coverage. Currently at: "..string.format("%.2f", GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance()+GetParryChance()+5+dr(GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)/122.962)))

Poeet p?íspivku : 368
Age : 34
Location : Rimavská Sobota
Points : 241
Registration date : 26. 12. 13

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